No Knock Registry

The Township recognizes the need to license and regulate peddlers/solicitors who are conducting business within the Township, as complaints from residents have increased in recent years. The Township adopted Ordinance 2019-20 to prevent peddlers/solicitors from accessing homes of residents that do not wish to be disturbed

Chapter 374 of the Township Code amends the license fee for peddlers/solicitors in Eastampton, and establishes a “No-Knock” list for residents. 

  • Each peddler/solicitor seeking to solicit in Eastampton Township would apply for a license at the Eastampton Police Dept.  Once approval has been granted they would pay a fee of $50 for the period of January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.
  • Each approved peddler/solicitor license must then be taken to the Municipal Clerk’s office, where they would then obtain a copy of the most current version of the “No Knock” list.
  • It shall be unlawful for any licensed peddler/solicitor to approach a registered home and/or seek personal contact with the occupants if the resident has registered on the “No Knock List” or posted a “No Knock” sticker as provided by the Township Clerk. Any person violating or failing to comply with the provisions of Ordinance 2019-20 shall be subject to penalty set forth in Chapter 1, Article II, Penalties for Violations, of the Township Code.